Oxford Bus Company has revealed some of the most unusual and common items of lost property left behind on services last year.
Header image source: Oxford Bus Company
Among the items left on buses and coaches in 2020 were a pair of Bermuda shorts, a novelty animal head, a Superman onesie and a pumpkin. During the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks joined the ranks of the most common items left on vehicles along with mobile phones and umbrellas.
Staff at the Oxford Bus Company customer services department recorded 1,920 found items in 2020. Passengers reported 1,028 items lost and 328 items were returned. The volume of lost items was around two-thirds lower than the previous year due to the reduction in passenger numbers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
items found on Oxford Bus Company services (2020)

In 2019 Oxford Bus Company became the first bus operator in the UK to use our lost and found software to make it easier for passengers to be reunited with their lost belongings. NotLost enables Oxford Bus Company to digitally log misplaced items quickly and the system helps match them to the rightful owner.
Passengers who reclaim items pay a £1 administration and storage fee for the return of their belongings to help towards costs. 2020 also saw the introduction of a postal service available for returns.
Unrecovered items are donated to local charities, or safely disposed of. Unfortunately, the novelty animal head was not reclaimed, however the Bermuda shorts and Superman onesie were!
Andy Morison, Head of Customer Experience at Oxford Bus Company said: “Misplacing a personal item is often a stressful experience and so we use technology to make it easier to reunite belongings with their owners.
“We have highlighted some of the unusual items that are left on our bus and coach network to remind people that lost items are kept and can be reunited with their owners, so it is always worth checking.”
Last year, Oxford Bus Company revealed 2019’s strangest lost items. This included a light saber, a fireman’s hat, vampire teeth, a Soviet Union hat, a letter detailing sexual fantasies, a Donald Trump toilet roll and a giant tent. Here is the link to the 2019 report!
How does lost and found software help bus operators?
The NotLost platform combines various features including image recognition and powerful search functionality with a simple, intuitive interface, to transform the way lost property is managed.
Explore how transport operators from bus to rail can utilise our software to return more items, improve operational efficiency and create a great passenger experience here.
Find out more
Do you think your lost and found process would benefit from innovative new software? Transport operators, feel free to get in touch. We love to chat! Give us a call on +44(0)20 8037 3970 or drop us an email . Plus, follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay up to date with all things lost property!