In this day and age, profit isn’t the only measure of success.
Customers are more and more interested in the ethical stances of companies they shop with.
One of the topics that sits prominently in people’s minds is sustainability.
This is why it’s important to ensure that where possible, your hotel is ticking the right boxes to show your doing your bit.

Take advantage of green sources
While only some hotels will be able to create their own energy from renewable sources, there are suppliers who will do it for you.
Green Energy companies like Bulb and Octopus successfully provide 100% renewable energy tariffs at a competitive price.
One of the difficulties for hotels will be availability as these newer providers do not always have the reach of the more established players.
If you do need to opt for a company that supplies from fossil fuels, there are still things you can do.
Setting up solar power or a wind turbine will help offset your energy consumption while hopefully saving you money in the long run.
Source locally / sustainably
Shopping locally has been one of the most prominent pillars of the sustainable message. For smaller, independent hotels sourcing local products will be a lot easier to achieve.
Doing so also adds to an air of authenticity that comes from not only doing your bit for the environment, but the local community.
For larger chains that rely on sourcing produce from further afield, it’s important to try and buy British where possible.
When choosing companies to work with it’s also key to look at their green credentials. You can do all you can to reduce your own emissions, but where you spend your money will also have an impact.

Use energy efficient appliances
Hotels use a lot of energy and if the devices aren’t efficient they waste power unnecessarily. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that everything you use is as up to date and green as possible.
There are obviously up front costs associated with upgrading but using less energy will save money in the long run.
The larger the hotel and more energy the more important these changes are in reducing the amount of power required to keep to ticking.
Encourage guests
When someone spends a weekend at your hotel there are certain rules that they are expected to follow.
That’s why it’s important to ensure that you help guide guests to making their stay as green as possible.
Being overzealous with the messaging will put people off and potentially come across as preachy.
However, if done correctly it will not only help you do your bit for the environment but also encourage others to do the same.

Waste not, want not
As well as encouraging guests to embrace your new found love of nature, reducing waste is vital for your green credentials.
Tiny shampoo and conditioner bottles might be a staple of the hotel experience, but should always be re-fillable.
Any products sold should also have minimal wrapping / plastic if any at all.
Another often overlooked contribution to the tip are items left behind by guests.
A practical way to deal with this is to ensure that you can reunite customers with their possessions when they misplace them. But what’s the best way to do that?
Guess who
Here are NotLost , we do just that. Our tailor made lost property software ensures a smooth process in managing enquiries from start to finish.
It’s a proven method to save you time and money while creating a positive experience for guests.
Let’s break down how your lost property process could work with our help.

The optimum solution
Step 1: Your staff finds a missing item in a room. They take a picture and log it on our secure database with any useful information
Step 2: Our image recognition software creates a profile of the item as found, ready for incoming enquiries
Step 3: A customer is directed to a self service portal when making an inquiry about a missing item. They enter the details of the misplaced possession
Step 4: NotLost’s matching tool finds and presents the correct item. The customer selects from a range of return options
When used to its potential this system saves everyone time and can even save your business money.
On top of this you now don’t have to throw away nearly as many forgotten possessions. Mother earth will thank you.
Don’t believe us? Hyatt Regencies’ The Churchill took us up on our offer back in 2019 and found immediate, tangible results.
“The team loves it and most importantly
the guest receives a quick response to
their enquiry”
Executive Housekeeper, Hyatt Regency London